Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Data Patterns and the LIKE Clause

The "LIKE" clause of the SQL SELECT statement is one of the more interesting features of SQL's character processing. Most everyone is familiar with the "%" wildcard, which allows queries such as "SELECT LastName FROM Customers WHERE LastName LIKE 'Mc%'". This returns all the customer last names beginning with "Mc" (such as yours truly). But I suspect that many developers are unaware of some of the deeper uses of data pattern expressions.

The list of other wildcard characters related to LIKE includes "_", "[", "-", "]", and "^". The first, "_", is the 'any single character' expression. The "[]" characters act as a single character wildcard, but allow us to specify which characters will match. The WHERE clause above is equivalent to "WHERE LastName LIKE '[M][c]%'". When multiple characters reside within the brackets, the filter acts like an "or" expression. So changing the filter to "WHERE LastName LIKE '[M][c][aeiou]%'" would produce last names beginning with "Mc", then followed by a vowel, then any terminating string.

If you use the "-" with the brackets, you can specify ranges of characters (ranges defined by ASCII order). For example, let's say we want to search for user names that begin with 'jmclain' and are then followed by a single digit number. We would execute "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName LIKE 'jmclain[0-9]'".

Where it gets complicated is when you want to search a column for wildcard literals. For example, let's say that you have a column called 'SalesDescription', and you want to count the rows where the SalesDescription column contains the string "50% off". If you were to execute "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Sales WHERE SalesDescription LIKE '50% off'", you would mistakenly pull in rows with SalesDescription values such as '50 cents off', since the "%" wildcard represents "any string". To correct this, you have two options. The simplest is to enclose the "%" wildcard with brackets, so that the filter changes to "WHERE SalesDescription LIKE '50[%] off'".

The second option is to make use of the ESCAPE clause of the LIKE operator. What this method lacks in simplicity, it make up in robustness (and isn't really that complicated anyways). To solve the above problem suchwise, the filter changes to "WHERE SalesDescription LIKE '50!% off' ESCAPE '!'". I prefer the first method above because 1. it is simpler, and 2. in order to use the ESCAPE clause, you must be certain that your target expression doesn't contain the escape character. So if a given SalesDescription value in the table was, unbeknowst to you, something like '50% off!!!', the results start to become unreliable. Best practices for using ESCAPE stipulate first starting with uncommon characters such as "~" or "", and then querying your column to make sure they are not present.

The best use of ESCAPE is when you want to find brackets in your target. Let's say that you wanted to find the SalesDescription value "[50% off]". After checking to ensure that the column values don't contain the tilde ("~") character, you would use the filter "WHERE SalesDescription LIKE '~[50~% off~]' ESCAPE '~'".

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